Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spring Thoughts

Warning, Warning, I know nothing about baseball, except that my husband and children love it. As you may have read on my husband’s blog last week, I took the kids to watch the Yankees practice. This is a great experience and very exciting. Frankly, I like watching them practice better than watching the games. My husband says it is because I like looking at their butts. Yeah, I do like looking at their butts. LOL, but I also find it interesting how the team interacts with each other when they are not under the pressure of winning a game. You see them as a team and get a sense of them as people. Once again , I know very little about Baseball but my husband asked me to write what I saw at Spring training. So here are my options on the some of the players at Spring training
I saw Moose pitch but I was not impressed. Now mind you this is practice, but the Yankees were hitting very well off Moose and he seemed more eager to get off the field than he was to go on. Just so you know, I was not impressed with Moose last season either. So I guess he is on a roll with me.
Mo Rivera
I was very impressed with Mo’s pitching during the regular season and now after seeing him at practice, I’m even more impressed. Mo the time out during practice to sign some autographs and gave his fans polite wave when his name was called. Mo was very professional and appeared put all his effort into his game even though it was just practice.
This boy never should have left the Yankees. He was born to be a Yankee. My husband told me Pettite didn’t do well last season and the Yankees have great hopes for him this year. Well he sure looked good out there. I even got some very good pictures of this cutie. He seemed comfortable out there on the field and the players seemed eager to have him.
Okay Yankee fans don’t be mad at me. I love this guy and think he is so cute. Heck my first son’s name is Derek but he did not impress me at practice. It was like he was only putting in half his effort. Even at batting practice he didn’t seem to have the heart he used to. I hate say it but I don’t think he is going to do well this year. Please Jeter prove me wrong.
As you may have read in husband’s blog last week, A-Rod’s wife and child were at the practice which was very sweet to see.-Very touching. A-Rod’s performance was very good. His fielding and batting looks good but his connection with the team seemed lacking. I thought Jeter and A-Rod were friends. They never even spoke to each. I think he will do well this year as long as he get that connection with the team back.

Warning, Warning! Giambi Alert
I do not like Giambi because of the whole steroid thing but I have to say he looked better than Jeter did out there on the field. Well when he wasn’t gossiping with one of the players. I got some good pictures of him too. Yuk Giambi but he looked good- thinner!

This guy has come a long way from having his wrist broken. He is the only one to make a home run during batting practice, but it was hitting against the pitching coach. Once again, he was the only one to hit a home run! It looks like he will get back in the swing of things this season and will bring in some major RBI’s.

Catchers Alert
I have to admit, the baseball players that I tend to think are cute also tend to be catchers. My husband says it is because I like looking at them squat. Whatever! So of course I took notice of the very cute catchers out there. Yummy! Girls you have to see these practices, baseball fan or not. So Yummy! Oh, They’re not as Yummy as my husband but they will do.

He has a very good swing and came close to hitting it out of the park. I thought he looked good last year and he seems be getting better with age.

Ben Davis
I know he is not on the active rooster but he should be. He was the only hitter able to hit off Mo which I thought was very impressive. The fact that he is cute helps too.

After thought
Now remember, I don’t know much about baseball, I’m just trying to keep up with my baseball addicted husband and his corruption of his little leaguers a.k.a. our children. It looks like the Yankees will be in for a few surprises from their players as they do every year. I hope this helps.